
Playing is no nonsense. It is something that has direct impacts on a child’s happiness, joy and creative freedom. The moment a child develops a positive attitude towards learning is the first step of what will become a journey where they are able to discover and develop themselves. The experience will nurture other aspects they will learn about life, as well as the ability to efficiently attain greater level of knowledge.



Branding, Environmental Graphic



From the concept initiated by the project owner and their belief in children’s limitless imagination and creativity, the design is realized to create functionalities that can fully enable learning experiences whether through the spatial characteristics, the use of delicate lines and curved forms, the elimination of sharp corners and edges, which is done not only for the safety of the young users, but the unobstructed flow and overall harmony of the work itself. The furniture and learning tools are designed to be physically proportional to users’ bodies with the weights that aren’t too heavy for children to play with and move around freely, yet providing enough security to prevent the risks of accidents caused by the actual usage.


Environmental Graphic → InFO
Interior Designer → IF (Integrated Field co.,ltd.)
Architect → Plan Architect Co.,Ltd.
Branding → InFO


Simply Thai 99 Motion


AIS - The Digital Gallery Motion